秋菜花收获后进行保鲜贮藏 ,可以随着季节价格的上涨随时进行出售 ,不仅可以调节市场供求 ,而且经济效益可增加1~2倍 ,其主要技术是 :一、窖藏选择成熟度好、洁白无病、带2~3片好叶的花球 ,先在阴凉处放2~3天后入窖。窖内用秫秸搭成层架 ,层间距30 (厘米)左右。?
Autumn cauliflower fresh storage after harvest, can be sold at any time with the seasonal price increases, not only can regulate the market supply and demand, and economic benefits can be increased by 1 to 2 times, its main technology is: First, the selection of good maturity, no white Disease, with 2 to 3 pieces of good leaf flower ball, first placed in the shade 2 to 3 days into the pit. Cellar with straw into the shelf, the layer spacing of about 30 (cm). ?