土基回弹模量是路面结构设计中一个非常重要的参数,直接关系到路面结构的安全性和经济性。采用室内承载板法分析了高液限红黏土回弹模量与压实度、含水率、稠度和压实度、龄期以及最不利条件下回弹模量与压实度关系。结果表明回弹模量与含水率关系可以用幂函数E=Aw-n形式拟合;回弹模量随压实度的增大而增大;回弹模量与压实度和稠度指标具有良好的相关关系,不同地区不同土质其回归关系是不相同的;回弹模量随着龄期的增长有一定提高。同一压实度时,最不利条件下与最佳含水率条件下高液限红黏土回弹模量的相关关系为:E最不利条件=0.461 5E最佳含水率条件+21.041,R2=0.996 1。
The elastic modulus of soil foundation is a very important parameter in pavement structure design, which is directly related to the safety and economy of pavement structure. The relationship between the modulus of elasticity and the degree of compaction, moisture content, consistency and compaction, age and the modulus of repulsion under the most unfavorable conditions were analyzed by indoor bearing plate method. The results show that the relation between the modulus of elasticity and the water content can be fitted by the power function E = Aw-n. The modulus of elasticity and the compaction degree and the consistency index have the following characteristics Good correlation, different regions of different soil regression is not the same; resilient modulus increases with age has increased. Under the same degree of compaction, the relationship between the resilience modulus of high liquid red clay under the most unfavorable conditions and the optimal moisture content is as follows: E The most unfavorable condition = 0.461 5E The best moisture content condition + 21.041, R2 = 0.996 1 .