棋类活动,是一种简单而又复杂的文化娱乐,它不受时间、地点、条件的限制,既可以在街头巷尾摆地摊拼搏撕杀,又可以登堂入室作为竞赛项目而一决雌雄,因而深受人们喜爱。 下棋,古称“对奕”,它包括围棋和象棋,今天还有起源于国外的国际象棋。围棋和象棋在我国已有2000多年的历史,其中围棋的历史要更早些。退休后的老年人常因无精神寄托而产生孤独感,会棋对奕是一付上乘的药方。老年人可以在谈笑走棋间品味其中的乐趣;可以在举手投棋间锻炼思维与判断能力,保持智力;还可相会众
Chess activities, is a simple and complex culture and entertainment, it is not subject to time, place, conditions, both in the streets and narrow streets to fight Sisha, but also Deng Tang entered the competition as a project to be determined, so popular People love. Playing chess, the ancient name “on Wilson”, which includes chess and chess, today also originated in foreign chess. Go and chess in our country has more than 2,000 years of history, including Go’s history earlier. After retirement, the elderly often have loneliness due to lack of spiritual sustenance, and chess to play is a superior prescription. The elderly can enjoy the joke among chess and chess. They can exercise their thinking and judgment skills and stay mentally handicapped. They can also meet the public