
来源 :唐山师范学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianhua230747
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九一八事变后,日本确立鸦片政策,在奉天地区推行一套体系完备的鸦片毒化制度,主要表现在鸦片的收购、生产和销售上。作为侵华的一把利刃,它摧残了奉省地区人民的身心健康,破坏了社会生产,带来巨大的灾难。 After the September 18 Incident, Japan established the opium policy and implemented a well-established system of opium poisoning in the Mukden Area, mainly in the acquisition, production and sale of opium. As a blade of aggression against China, it has devastated the physical and psychological health of the people in Feng Province, undermined social production and brought about tremendous disasters.