进入6月下旬以来,气温和用电负荷都突破了历史同期的记录,连创新高。当人们在38℃、39℃的高温天气里,打开空调,沐浴着清凉空气的时候,是否能够想到,在这样的天气里,有多少电力职工冒着地表50℃左右、设备表面近60℃高温的烘烤和蒸腾, 在设备区、在抢修现场、在马路旁、在居民楼道里, 挥汗如雨地超负荷工作……首都电网虽然经过了较大规模的建设与改造, 但是用电需求增长迅猛,使得2005年盛夏北京电网
Since entering late June, the temperature and electricity load have exceeded the record of the same period of history, reaching a record high. When people in the 38 ℃, 39 ℃ high temperature weather, turn on the air conditioning, bathing with cool air, can we think of how many workers in the weather risking about 50 ℃ on the surface, the surface of the device near 60 ℃ high temperature Roasting and transpiration in the equipment area, in the repair scene, in the street, in residential corridors, sweating overloaded work ... Although the capital power grid after a large-scale construction and transformation, but the rapid growth of electricity demand, Making the summer of 2005 Beijing power grid