1.Lead in—talking about the pictures in the text
新编高中英语教材图文并茂,几乎每一篇阅读课文均配有与该材料有密切联系的插图,利用文中的插图导入新课,能激活学生的认知图式,并使其产生阅读课文以了解信息的愿望,为以下教学铺平了道路。如,在教Module 2Unit1Cultural relics中,我叫学生们仔细观察了课本的图片并结合课后注释了解文化遗产的概念。上课时我就用图片结合对话进行导入。(show the pictures of culture relics in the text) T:Do you know these places? S:Yes.(Ss say the places:Mogao Caves, The Taj Mahal ,ivory dragon boat,Ming Dynasty vase and so on .) T: They are not ordinary places. They are….S:Cltural relics. T:Good.Do you know what material they were made of?学生自由发言,说出了这些文化遗产的原材料,例如金银、陶瓷、象牙、石头等。我进一步问T:Do you know what amber is?Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it?此时,我叫学生看了课本的琥珀图,并介绍了琥珀的来源,使学生了解了它的珍贵。然后我结合图片用英语进行了小结:Amber is a hard yellowish brown substance.It is often used for jewels and decorative objects.But can you imagine a room made of amber?与此同时叫学生看了课本的琥珀屋插图.我还给学生看了课外找到的不同角度拍摄的琥珀屋图片,学生发出了“哇,how beautiful!”的感叹。T: Now look at the title and the picture of the reading passage and predict what it is about. Then skim it quickly and see if you were right.这样学生自然就有兴趣去看文章找答案了。
2.Using the multimedia to lead in
多媒体是视听导入的重要教学手段。例如:在学习Module 2 Unit5 Music一课时,我先放了些各种不同风格的音乐,让学生边欣赏边说出不同的风格名称,学生们兴趣盎然,一边开心的跟着哼一边忙着找出不同音乐风格的英语表达法;接着我自然地就问了些他们很容易回答的问题:1. Do you like music?(学生大声回答“YES”) How does music make you feel?学生们给出不同的答案。 2. What kind of music do you like:Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? 3.Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? 4.Do you know The Monkees?又如在学习Module 1 Unit4Earthquakes一课时可以先放一段有关国内外地震的资料片;给学生们一个震撼和启迪,然后就自然过渡到课文内容: Earthquakes are terrible.What do you think will happen before and after an earthquake? What can we do to reduce the damage of earthquakes?像这种直观形象的导入能激发起学生强烈的求知欲望,起到很好的“激趣”作用。能帮助我们顺利地把课文进行下去。
3. Predict according to the familiar situations
“题材紧密联系现实生活”是高中教材的一个显著特点。我们教师可以从此入手,利用学生关心或熟悉的生活片段来导入新课,使学生产生亲切感和实用感。如教Module 4 Unit 4 BODY LANGUAGE时,为了帮助学生们了解体态语在不同文化背景里进行交际的重要性。我先给学生讲了这样一故事:There was such a college where the students came from different countries. On the first day of new term, everyone eagerly wanted to know each other. So they greeted each other when they met. A Canadian student was talking with his friends. When he saw a Japanese student passing by, he said“ Hello! ”to him and reached his hand out to the Japanese to express his friendship. But to his surprise, the Japanese student refused to shake hands and just bowed. Why? 让学生在惊诧之余急于了解更多的体态语言,自然而然地导入课文。
4.Guess the title of texts and predict
新编高中英语教材以单元为话题,每一个单元都有一个大标题,每一篇文章都有一个小标题。标题起到提纲挈领的作用。每上一个单元的课文之前,老师可让学生通过标题预测和猜想课文内容逐步引入本课正题。如上高中英语Module 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics 时,对于阅读课In search of the Amber Room老师可让学生预测:What happened to the Amber Room? Why do we need to search the Amber Room? To whom the Amber Room belonged? 学生给出一些观点后能积极主动地带着自己的猜测去新课文中寻找答案。又如看了Module 3 Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations这标题后叫学生们讨论What festivals or celebrations do you know in your city/town? How do you celebrate them? What festivals or celebrations do you know in our country or other countries? How do people celebrate them? What festivals or celebrations will be introduced in this text? Let us read it together.
总之,“教学有法,但导无定法”。巧妙的教学导入,形式不拘一格,变化多样,不同的教学内容应设计不同的导入方法,使学生有新鲜感和好奇心。同时注意时间不宜过长,3~5分钟为宜。英语阅读课的导入除了以上几种常用方法外,还有学生演讲导入法、游戏导入法、歌曲导入法、设疑导入法、单词、短语或句子导入法等等。老师要学会在具体的教学中恰当使用不同的导入法,灵活加以运用,甚至是综合性的运用,而不是单单局限于某一种导入法(例如上面我介绍的Module 2Unit1Cultural relics也可以用课本插图、背景介绍和标题预测相结合进行导入),从而取得事半功倍的教学效果。
1.Lead in—talking about the pictures in the text
新编高中英语教材图文并茂,几乎每一篇阅读课文均配有与该材料有密切联系的插图,利用文中的插图导入新课,能激活学生的认知图式,并使其产生阅读课文以了解信息的愿望,为以下教学铺平了道路。如,在教Module 2Unit1Cultural relics中,我叫学生们仔细观察了课本的图片并结合课后注释了解文化遗产的概念。上课时我就用图片结合对话进行导入。(show the pictures of culture relics in the text) T:Do you know these places? S:Yes.(Ss say the places:Mogao Caves, The Taj Mahal ,ivory dragon boat,Ming Dynasty vase and so on .) T: They are not ordinary places. They are….S:Cltural relics. T:Good.Do you know what material they were made of?学生自由发言,说出了这些文化遗产的原材料,例如金银、陶瓷、象牙、石头等。我进一步问T:Do you know what amber is?Have you ever seen a piece of amber? What do you know about it?此时,我叫学生看了课本的琥珀图,并介绍了琥珀的来源,使学生了解了它的珍贵。然后我结合图片用英语进行了小结:Amber is a hard yellowish brown substance.It is often used for jewels and decorative objects.But can you imagine a room made of amber?与此同时叫学生看了课本的琥珀屋插图.我还给学生看了课外找到的不同角度拍摄的琥珀屋图片,学生发出了“哇,how beautiful!”的感叹。T: Now look at the title and the picture of the reading passage and predict what it is about. Then skim it quickly and see if you were right.这样学生自然就有兴趣去看文章找答案了。
2.Using the multimedia to lead in
多媒体是视听导入的重要教学手段。例如:在学习Module 2 Unit5 Music一课时,我先放了些各种不同风格的音乐,让学生边欣赏边说出不同的风格名称,学生们兴趣盎然,一边开心的跟着哼一边忙着找出不同音乐风格的英语表达法;接着我自然地就问了些他们很容易回答的问题:1. Do you like music?(学生大声回答“YES”) How does music make you feel?学生们给出不同的答案。 2. What kind of music do you like:Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? 3.Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? 4.Do you know The Monkees?又如在学习Module 1 Unit4Earthquakes一课时可以先放一段有关国内外地震的资料片;给学生们一个震撼和启迪,然后就自然过渡到课文内容: Earthquakes are terrible.What do you think will happen before and after an earthquake? What can we do to reduce the damage of earthquakes?像这种直观形象的导入能激发起学生强烈的求知欲望,起到很好的“激趣”作用。能帮助我们顺利地把课文进行下去。
3. Predict according to the familiar situations
“题材紧密联系现实生活”是高中教材的一个显著特点。我们教师可以从此入手,利用学生关心或熟悉的生活片段来导入新课,使学生产生亲切感和实用感。如教Module 4 Unit 4 BODY LANGUAGE时,为了帮助学生们了解体态语在不同文化背景里进行交际的重要性。我先给学生讲了这样一故事:There was such a college where the students came from different countries. On the first day of new term, everyone eagerly wanted to know each other. So they greeted each other when they met. A Canadian student was talking with his friends. When he saw a Japanese student passing by, he said“ Hello! ”to him and reached his hand out to the Japanese to express his friendship. But to his surprise, the Japanese student refused to shake hands and just bowed. Why? 让学生在惊诧之余急于了解更多的体态语言,自然而然地导入课文。
4.Guess the title of texts and predict
新编高中英语教材以单元为话题,每一个单元都有一个大标题,每一篇文章都有一个小标题。标题起到提纲挈领的作用。每上一个单元的课文之前,老师可让学生通过标题预测和猜想课文内容逐步引入本课正题。如上高中英语Module 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics 时,对于阅读课In search of the Amber Room老师可让学生预测:What happened to the Amber Room? Why do we need to search the Amber Room? To whom the Amber Room belonged? 学生给出一些观点后能积极主动地带着自己的猜测去新课文中寻找答案。又如看了Module 3 Unit 1 Festivals and celebrations这标题后叫学生们讨论What festivals or celebrations do you know in your city/town? How do you celebrate them? What festivals or celebrations do you know in our country or other countries? How do people celebrate them? What festivals or celebrations will be introduced in this text? Let us read it together.
总之,“教学有法,但导无定法”。巧妙的教学导入,形式不拘一格,变化多样,不同的教学内容应设计不同的导入方法,使学生有新鲜感和好奇心。同时注意时间不宜过长,3~5分钟为宜。英语阅读课的导入除了以上几种常用方法外,还有学生演讲导入法、游戏导入法、歌曲导入法、设疑导入法、单词、短语或句子导入法等等。老师要学会在具体的教学中恰当使用不同的导入法,灵活加以运用,甚至是综合性的运用,而不是单单局限于某一种导入法(例如上面我介绍的Module 2Unit1Cultural relics也可以用课本插图、背景介绍和标题预测相结合进行导入),从而取得事半功倍的教学效果。