对一种高性能聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维在不同掺量下对混凝土和易性、力学性能和抗渗性能的影响展开研究,分析纤维种类及掺量对控制砂浆塑性收缩裂缝的作用机理。结果表明:掺入适量PVA纤维不会对混凝土的和易性产生影响,但当纤维掺量达到6.5 kg/cm3时,会对混凝土的和易性产生负面作用;PVA纤维可以适当提高混凝土抗压强度,显著增加其劈裂抗拉强度,但当掺量超过一定值时,力学性能会有所下降;在水泥基材料中掺入PVA和聚丙烯(PP)纤维,均可有效改善材料的抗裂性能,从而提高其抗渗性能,其中PVA纤维对抗渗性能改善效果更加明显。
The influence of different kinds of high performance polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fibers on the workability, mechanical properties and impermeability of concrete was studied. The mechanism of fiber type and dosage on the plastic shrinkage cracks of mortar was analyzed. The results showed that the incorporation of appropriate amount of PVA fiber did not affect the workability of the concrete, but when the fiber content reached 6.5 kg / cm3, the workability of the concrete would have a negative effect; PVA fiber can be appropriate to increase the compressive strength of concrete Strength, and significantly increase its splitting tensile strength, but when the content exceeds a certain value, the mechanical properties will be reduced; cement-based materials doped with PVA and polypropylene (PP) fibers, can effectively improve the material resistance Cracking performance, thereby enhancing the impermeability, in which the anti-infiltration properties of PVA fiber to improve the effect more pronounced.