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在一次会议上,一位领导同志这样讲:“抓落实就是抓具体。”仔细品味这句话,使笔者想起一则关于列宁抓落实的故事:一天,列宁收到前线发来的一封要求支援武器和服装的电报,当即派人把电报送到军需部,并在一小时后给部长打电活询问此事。当部长说没有收到电报,待查清后给列宁去电话时,列宁却固执地不放电话,说:“我等着。”一会儿,电报找到了,部长说商量后给列宁去电话,可列宁仍坚持说“我等着。”电话终于来了,说一切都作了安排,待与军械服装管理处联系后答复,列宁还是不放电话;“不,不,我等着。”就这样,直到前线来电话告诉列宁:“问题已得到了解决”,列宁这才说了声:“谢谢”,点点头放下电话。这不就是一次典型的“抓具体”吗!革命统帅抓落实,具体到一封电报,因为这是一件事关大局的大事。可是如果他不具体到军需部长身上,不具体到“我等 At a meeting, a leading comrade said: “To grasp this is to grasp it.” To carefully read this remark reminded me of a story about Lenin’s implementation: one day Lenin received a request from the front line A telegram of support for weapons and clothing was sent immediately to the munitions department and to the minister one hour later to ask about it. When the minister said that he had not received the telegram and was going to call Lenin upon investigation, Lenin stubbornly stopped talking and said: “I waited.” After a while, the telegram was found and the minister said after discussing that he would have to call Lenin, Lenin still insisted that “I waited.” The phone finally arrived and said everything was arranged. After contacting the Ordnance and Fashion Administration, Lenin still did not answer the phone; “No, no, I’m waiting.” Until the front call came to tell Lenin: “The problem has been solved.” Lenin said this: Thank you, nodded and dropped the call. Is not this a classic “grasping the concrete?” The revolutionary commander has taken concrete measures to implement a telegram because this is a major event that concerns the overall situation. However, if he does not specify the ministerial minister, he does not specify "I wait
目的 观察用降糖灵选择性破坏胰岛A细胞大鼠空肠胆碱能神经功能及形态改变 ,探讨胰岛A细胞与胆碱能神经之间的内在联系。方法 将 73只大鼠随机分为 7组 ,对照组肌注生理盐