运动训练是一项庞大的系统工程 ,优异运动成绩的取得是有诸多方面因素组成的复合体。仅从教练员与运动员如何配合来提高运动成绩加以阐述物理学中谐振效应的原理 ,通过从“体制保证 ,教练员与运动员的双向交流 ,严格管理制度 ,动力激励 ,表率示范以及清除干涉波”等促进教练员与运动员积极配合 ,以达到训练目的。
Exercise training is a huge systematic project. The achievement of excellent athletic performance is a complex composed of many factors. Only from the coaches and athletes how to work together to improve the performance of sports to explain the resonance effect in physics principles, through from the “system assurance, coaches and athletes two-way exchange, strict management system, motivation, exemplary demonstration and removal of interference wave” To promote coaches and athletes to actively cooperate in order to achieve the purpose of training.