近二十年来,来源于对肿瘤细胞生物学行为的深刻认识,骨肉瘤的治疗发生了很大变化,为提高骨肉瘤患者的生存质量,保留患肢治疗越来越受到重视,并在各级医院逐渐开展起来。1985年3至1994年4月,我院共收治四肢骨肉瘤患者21例,其中7例(1989年以后)行保留患肢治疗,现报导如下:1 临床
In the past two decades, from the profound understanding of the biological behavior of tumor cells, the treatment of osteosarcoma has undergone great changes. In order to improve the quality of life of patients with osteosarcoma, the treatment of retaining limbs has received more and more attention and at all levels. The hospital gradually developed. From March 1985 to April 1994, 21 patients with limb osteosarcoma were treated and treated in our hospital. Among them, 7 patients (after 1989) were treated with limbs. These reports are as follows: 1 Clinical