江泽民总书记去年5月在江、浙、沪考察工作时指出 :“抓紧在非公有制经济组织开展党的工作 ,加强党的建设 ,这是我们党建立和巩固社会主义初级阶段基本经济制度 ,引导非公有制经济健康发展的需要 ,也是加强党同在非公有制企业劳动的广大职工群众的联系 ,巩固党在新形势下执政
When inspecting work in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai in May last year, General Secretary Jiang Zemin pointed out: "Paying close attention to carrying out the party’s work in the non-public-owned economy and strengthening party building are the basic economic systems our party has established and consolidating the initial stage of socialism and guiding The need for the healthy development of the non-public sector of the economy also strengthens the party’s ties with the masses of workers and staff members working in non-public-owned enterprises and consolidates the party’s governance in the new situation