1 粘土实心砖的应用和墙体材料革新粘土实心砖的历史悠久,已有2400多年,由秦朝发明的青砖,近代发展为红砖.粘土砖造福于人类,用于建造房屋,给人类提供舒适的居住条件.但生产粘土实心砖用土量过大,随着人民生活水平的不断提高,用砖量也越来越大.我们县的用砖量70年代每户个人建房用砖仅几千块,最多也不超过2万块,到80年代就上升到4万块,最多超过10万块.由于需求量的不断增长,红砖的生产量也在逐年增加.巴彦砖厂的红砖产量60年代仅100万块左右,到90年代达到1200万块,全县由60年代的2
1 Application of clay solid bricks and wall materials The history of reforming clay solid bricks has a long history of more than 2,400 years. The bricks invented by the Qin Dynasty were modernized into red bricks. Clay bricks benefit people and are used to build houses and give humans. Provide comfortable living conditions. However, the amount of earth used to produce clay solid bricks is too large. With the continuous improvement of the people’s living standards, the amount of bricks is also increasing. The amount of bricks used in our county was constructed in the 1970s. Thousands of blocks, up to no more than 20,000 blocks, rose to 40,000 blocks in the 1980s and exceeded a maximum of 100,000 blocks. Due to the increasing demand, the production of red bricks has also increased year by year. Bayan Brickyards The production of red bricks was only about 1 million in the 1960s and reached 12 million in the 1990s.