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一、黄花塘事件1943年深秋,金风送爽,丹桂飘香。在淮南盱胎县黄花塘,华中局和新四军军部的整风学习运动,已转入开展批评与自我批评阶段。按照华中局代书记和新四军代政委饶漱石的安排,10月26日下午,由新四军代军长陈毅在华中局常委会上作自我批评。陈毅以严格要求自己的态度,坦率、诚恳地作了自我批评式的检查。他严于律已,不谈功绩,只着重检查自己20年革命生涯中曾经犯过的错误和教训,主动承担责任。晚饭后,继续开会。饶漱石板着脸孔,首先发难,指责陈毅评功摆好,尽给自己脸上贴金,检查错误轻描淡写,避重就轻。并指责陈毅从参加革命之日起,就怀着升官发财的个人目的,参加革命20年,犯了“十大错 First, the Yellow Flower Tong incident 1943 late autumn, golden wind cool, Osmanthus fragrance. The campaign to rectify wind in Huanghuetang, Huazhong Bureau and the New Fourth Army Army in Tire Prefecture, Huainan has moved into the stage of criticism and self-criticism. In accordance with arrangements made by the Central Bureau of Huazhong Administration and Rao Shouchu of the New Fourth Army on behalf of the Political Commissar, Chen Yi, commander of the New Fourth Army, made a self-criticism on the afternoon of October 26 at the Standing Committee of the Central Bureau of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Chen Yi with strict demands on his attitude, frankly and sincerely made a self-critical examination. He is strict with the law, not talking about merit, focusing only on the mistakes and lessons he once made in his 20-year revolutionary career and takes the initiative to take responsibility. After dinner, continue to meet. Rao Slate plate his face, the first challenge, accused Chen Yi applauded, try to give his face gold, check the error understatement, avoidance of light. And accused Chen Yi from participating in the revolution from the date, with the promotion of personal fortune for personal purposes, to participate in the revolution for 20 years, committed ”ten mistakes
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