1980年代以降,受后殖民主义理论的深刻影响,批判西方中心主义、重新书写建筑史逐渐成为西方建筑学界的一种潮流。这一时期,学术视线不断下移,同时社会科学的理论与方法开始介入建筑史的研究。在此背景下,美国加州大学伯克利分校建筑系卡斯托夫(Spiro Kostof)教授在1985年出版了《全球建筑史》[1]。该书扩展了建筑史的研究范围:在地理上拓展到西欧和北美之外的“非西方”世界,在
In the 1980s, under the influence of postcolonial theory, criticism of Western centralism and rewriting the history of architecture gradually became a trend in the Western architectural community. During this period, academic vision continued to decline, while social science theories and methods began to intervene in the history of architectural studies. Against this background, Professor Spiro Kostof, a professor of architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, published Global Architecture History in 1985 [1]. The book expands the scope of the study on architectural history by geographically extending to the “non-Western” world beyond Western Europe and North America,