今年9月在北京召开的联合国第四次世界妇女大会的一项重要议程是讨论和通过被称为A PLATFORM FOR ACTION的《行动纲领》。这个纲领由联合国北京大会的筹备机构起草,并印发给世界各国政府和非政府有关的组织进行讨论和修改,再提交给北京世界妇女大会讨论通过。这个文件将作为联合国提高妇女地位,促进在世界范围内实现男女平等的纲领性文件载入史册。 草案中列出了+个最为关切的领域(critical areas of concern) ,概述了各领域中存在的问题,同时以建议的形式提出了解决问题的行动知措施。本文摘要刊登《行动纲领》(草案)的墓本内容。读一读这个纲领,无疑会增加我们对当吟世一界妇女状况的了解,也会增加我们对9月北京妇女大会平等、发展与和平的宗旨的理解。
An important agenda for the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women in Beijing in September this year is to discuss and adopt the Program of Action known as A PLATFORM FOR ACTION. The program was drafted by the preparatory body for the Beijing conference and distributed to all the world’s governments and non-governmental organizations for discussion and revision before being submitted to the Beijing World Conference on Women for discussion and adoption. This document will be put on file as the key programmatic document of the United Nations for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality between men and women around the world. The draft lists + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + This summary of the contents of the “Program of Action” (draft) of the contents of the tomb. Reading this program without doubt will undoubtedly increase our understanding of the status of women in the world of Yin and will also increase our understanding of the purposes of equality, development and peace for the Beijing Women’s Conference in September.