
来源 :大连理工大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:l_chuanfei
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从我国宪法政治权利图景中可以勾勒出隐含的政治权利能力与政治行为能力的二元规范结构。此二元结构在一定程度上揭示了政治权利规范的实然面相与政治自由主义的应然面相之间的错位,不过该结构之原理及正义性也为此错位之消弭提供了诠释路径。若此二元构造能明文入宪,则政治权利文本与规范将获得重构,并与政治自由主义形成和谐自洽的逻辑架构。 From the picture of constitutional political rights in our country, we can outline the dual normative structure of implicit political rights and political abilities. To a certain extent, this dual structure reveals the dislocation between the reality of the political right norms and the supposed nature of political liberalism. However, the principle and justice of the structure provide an interpretation path for the elimination of this dislocation. If this binary structure can be explicitly incorporated into the Constitution, the texts and norms of political rights will be reconstructed and form a harmonious and consistent logical framework with political liberalism.
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目的 通过建立的课程,培养武警部队护理学员应对突发事件现场应急救护能力.方法 采取整群抽样设2007级234名学员为对照组、2008级224名学员为实验组,两组学员均进行应急救护