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作文的重点段落,可谓重中之重,如何抓住这一“龙头”把作文写好?这里介绍常用的几招,希望对同学们有所帮助。一、巧用比喻排比句把内容相关、结构相同或相近,语气连贯的三个或三个以上的比喻语句连接起来用。它可由词组构成,也可由句子构成,可有效的增强语势。 The key paragraphs of essay, can be described as the top priority, how to seize the “faucet ” to write the essay? Here are a few commonly used methods, hoping to help students. First, the use of metaphor row than the sentence to the content-related, the same or similar structure, coherent tone of three or more than three metaphor linked together. It can be composed of phrases, but also by the sentence, which can effectively enhance the language.
姜科Zingiberaceae豆蔻属植物阳春砂Amomum villosum Lour.是我国著名的“四大南药”之一砂仁的主流品种。砂仁芳香化湿、行气止痛的主要药效物质为挥发油,其主要成分为单萜化合物。植物萜类化合物的生物合成至少有2条途径。一条是细胞质中的甲羟戊酸途径(mevalonate pathway, MVA途径),另一条是质体中的2-甲基赤藓糖醇-4-磷酸途径(2-C-methyl-D-