与其说后现代艺术是美学的证明, 毋宁说它所展示的是一种‘反美学’。由此,二十世纪激进的年轻艺术家们打着艺术创造的旗号,做出了万千‘反创造性’的作品,一面抨击现代主义艺术家保守的构图和艺术技法,一面将其绘画中的艺术形式套用至自己的作品同时予以解构,在破坏了的画面上标署自己的姓名,将艺术神圣的创造性分崩瓦解的淋漓尽致。
Not so much a post-modern art is a proof of aesthetics, rather it shows is a kind of ’anti-aesthetics’. As a result, the radical young artists of the twentieth century, under the banner of art creation, have made thousands of ’anti-creative’ works while attacking the conservative composition and artistic techniques of the modernist artists while transforming the artistic forms in their paintings Apply it to his own works and deconstruct it at the same time, mark his own name on the damaged screen, and disintegrate the sacred creativity of the arts.