Liu Tianhua was born of the family of apoor intellectual in Jiangyin CountyJiangsu Province on February 4, 1895.On the occasion of the centenary of hisbirth, we cherish the memory of this great master ofnational music and a great revolutionary of the erhu(two-stringed Chinese fiddle) art. Liu Tianhua’s father was an enlightende scholartowards the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).His elder brother Liu Bannong was a noted writer inthe period of the May 4th Movement of 1911,and hisyounger brother Liu Beimao became a national musi-
Liu Tianhua was born of the family of apoor intellectual in Jiangyin CountyJiangsu Province on February 4, 1895.On the occasion of the centenary of hisbirth, we cherish the memory of this great master ofnational music and a great revolutionary of the erhu (two-stringed Chinese fiddle) art. Liu Tianhua’s father was an enlightende scholartowards the end of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) .His elder brother Liu Bannong was a noted writer inthe period of the May 4th Movement of 1911, and his wife Julie Liu Beimao became a national musi-