2009年春引入‘火焰无核’葡萄在新疆昌吉州进行试栽,连年观察其生物学特性、果实经济性状、物候期以及适应性等,并对其丰产栽培管理技术进行较为深入的研究。结果表明:‘火焰无核’平均穗重586.1 g,平均粒重3.7 g,果皮紫红色,皮薄,口感甘甜,风味佳,可溶性固形物含量22.45%,品质优良;植株生长势较强,丰产性良好,3年生树平均株产8.83 kg,折合667 m~2产量1 475 kg;适应性好,抗性强,适合在新疆昌吉地区大面积推广栽培。
In the spring of 2009, “flameless seedless” grapes were introduced for trial planting in Changji, Xinjiang. The biological characteristics, fruit economic traits, phenological period and adaptability were observed year by year. The techniques of high yield cultivation and management were studied in depth. The results showed that the average kernel weight of Flame Seedless was 586.1 g and the average grain weight was 3.7 g. The peel was purple, thin skin, sweet taste, good flavor and soluble solids content of 22.45%, with good quality and strong growth potential. The average annual yield of the 3-year-old tree was 8.83 kg, which was equivalent to 6675 m 2 yield of 1 475 kg. It had good adaptability and strong resistance and was suitable for large-scale cultivation in Changji, Xinjiang.