
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:CayleeDak_83
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深圳特区经过10年的建设和发展,取得了有目共睹的成就,一个在国家社会主义经济领导下的经济成份以“三资”为主、产品生产以外销为主、资金来源以外资为主的区域性外向型经济模式已经成型。进入90年代后,特区外向型经济发展开始进入到一个更高层次的创新阶段,特区面临的任务比过去更艰巨、责任更重要,并存的困难也将更为复杂。近来,围绕如何进一步推动特区外向型经济发展的问题,来自各界的有识之士从定性的角度提出了许多有益的措施或主张。但由于各自所处的地位不同以及认识上的差异,对于某些措施的作用有多大、重要程度如何等问题,众说纷纭,莫衷一是。因此,实有必要对若干措施的重要性作出恰当的评价,从中列出它们之间的轻重缓急,以利于有关方面在调整、制定和实施政策措施方面作出符合实际的科学决策。为此,笔者在调查征询37位有代表性专家、学者、经营者的不同意见的基础上,运用美国著名运筹学家T·L·Satty在70年代初期创立的层次法(Analytieal Aierarchy After 10 years of construction and development, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has achieved remarkable achievements. One of the economic sectors under the leadership of the state socialist economy is dominated by “three sources of foreign investment,” with export-oriented products and foreign-funded sources of funds Sexual export-oriented economic model has been formed. Since the 1990s, the development of an outward-oriented economy in the SAR has begun to enter a higher-level innovation stage. The task of the SAR is more arduous and responsibility is more important than ever before. The coexistence of difficulties will also be more complicated. Recently, around the issue of how to further promote the development of an outward-oriented economy in the SAR, many people of insight from all walks of life have put forward many useful measures or proposals from a qualitative point of view. However, due to their different positions and differences in understanding, the role of certain measures is how much, how important issues such as questions, different opinions, incomprehensible. Therefore, it is really necessary to appraise the importance of some measures and list the priorities among them so as to help relevant parties make sound scientific decisions in adjusting, formulating and implementing policy measures. Therefore, on the basis of investigating and consulting the different views of 37 representative experts, scholars and operators, this paper uses the Analytieal Aierarchy (AHP), which was founded by TS L Satty in the early 1970s,
在毛主席“要边设第二个汽车制造厂”指示精神的鼓午下,以独立自主、自力更生的精神,迅速建成了我国第一个大型的自动化汽车制造厂——第二汽车制造厂。 汽车各部件采用的材