Tranquil Niujie Mosque

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BEIJING visitors or residents looking to spend down time in a tranquil setting can opt for the Niujie Mosque and its surrounds -a charming and often overlooked part of the capital. Niujie is the name of the street where the mosque is located,a name literally meaning Ox Street.The millennium mosque dates back to 996 and is the oldest and at 6,000 square meters,the largest of all the mosques in Beijing.The spacious prayer hall can easily accommodatel,000 BEIJING visitors or residents looking to spend down time in a tranquil setting can opt for the Niujie Mosque and its surrounds -a charming and often overlooked part of the capital. Niujie is the name of the street where the mosque is located, a name literally meaning Ox Street.The millennium mosque dates back to 996 and is the oldest and at 6,000 square meters, the largest of all the mosques in Beijing. The spacious prayer hall can easily accommodatel 000
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