来自英国的约翰·布莱克蒙(John Blakemore)是一位大师级的摄影家和照片制作者,从1956年就开始了他的艺术实践。他赖以出名的就是那些层次丰富、细节微妙的风景和静物,并且通过他在德比大学的执教和无数工作坊,影响了一代摄影家。他的学生和受其影响的摄影家尊敬地称赞他“非同寻常地丰富了他们的生活”。布莱克蒙对影像素质的极致追求令人难以置信。比如他曾花了九年时间完成一系列的郁金香静物影像,在反复不断的制作过程中,完成了对影像影调层次魔力般的极致表达。最近他出版了一本新书,《约翰·布莱克蒙的黑白摄影工作坊》,
John Blakemore from the United Kingdom is a master photographer and photo-maker who started his artistic practice in 1956. He remembered the landscapes and still lifes of rich layers, subtle details, and influenced generations of photographers through his coaching and numerous workshops at Derby. His students and the photographers affected by it respectfully praised him for “extraordinary enrichment of their lives.” Blackmont’s incredible pursuit of the ultimate in image quality is unbelievable. For example, he spent nine years to complete a series of tulip still life images, in the process of repeated production, completed the image of the shadow layer of magic as the ultimate expression. He recently published a new book, Black and White Photography Workshop by John Blackmont,