正当 2 1世纪的钟声敲响时 ,党中央高瞻远瞩 ,统揽全局 ,提出西部开发战略。这预示着西部经济与社会发展将加快发展。一时间 ,西部上下春潮涌动 ,人人跃跃欲试 ,在西部开发中大显身手 ,建功立业。为了配合西部开发战略的实施 ,提高人们对西部开发问题的认识 ,本刊邀请院内部分专家教授就西部开发问题各叙己见 ,谏言献策。同时也欢迎更多的人来稿就西部开发中各种理论和实际问题进行深入探讨。
Just as the bells of the 21st century sounded, the CPC Central Committee made a long-term view of the overall situation and put forward the strategy of developing the western region. This indicates that the economic and social development in the western region will accelerate its development. For a time, the spring surge in the upper and lower reaches of the western region has thrown everyone into a try. In line with the implementation of the strategy for the development of the western region and raising people’s awareness of the issue of the development of the western region, we invite some experts and professors in the hospital to make suggestions and suggestions on the development of the western region. At the same time, more people are also invited to contribute to discuss in depth the various theoretical and practical issues in the development of the western region.