近年来,番茄脐腐病一直是番茄栽培,尤其是保护地栽培中发病较为普遍,危害相当严重的一种病害。该病是由于植株生长代谢过程中,钙元素缺少、失调而导致的一种番茄生理性病害。 通常人们采用的补钙方法有土壤补钙与根外施钙两种。土壤补钙一般是在根部土壤追施石灰、过磷酸钙或其它钙肥等。 根外施钙一般采用连续喷施1%过磷酸钙或0.5%氯化钙及0.1%硝酸钙等。实践证明,以上两法因单一
In recent years, tomato umbilical rot disease has been tomato cultivation, especially in the protective cultivation is more common in the incidence of serious harm to a disease. The disease is due to plant growth and metabolism, the lack of calcium, disorders caused by a physiological disease of tomato. Usually people use calcium methods have soil calcium and calcium outside the two. Soil calcium is generally topdressing the soil in the roots of lime, superphosphate or other calcium fertilizer. Root application of calcium generally used for continuous spraying 1% superphosphate or 0.5% calcium chloride and 0.1% calcium nitrate. Practice has proved that the above two laws due to a single