传统“金九银十”的销售黄金时期伴着秋意来临,陆续登场的30多款新车一扫夏季的沉闷。毫无疑问,在这个不能错过的旺季,各大汽车厂商都做足了准备,频频高调地推出自家新成员。自主品牌厚积薄发,一举推出了比亚迪 F6轿车2.0L、一汽红旗轿车、奇瑞 A3、江淮宾悦等众多车型,沉寂多时的江南轿车也推出1.3L 和1.5L 两种排量的新车。而国产车也一派红火,大众 CrossPolo、两厢赛拉图、克莱斯勒赛百灵、东风标致新307、新蒙迪欧等都给下半年车市注入了新的活力。也不妨让目光在林林总总的新车中主攻几款车型,来领略焕然一新的汽车风采。
Tradition “Golden nine silver ten ” golden age of sales accompanied by autumn coming, one after another of more than 30 new models to sweep the summer dull. There is no doubt that in this can not miss the peak season, the major car manufacturers have been prepared to frequently launch high profile to their new members. Own brand profound knowledge, in one fell swoop introduced the BYD F6 sedan 2.0L, FAW Hongqi sedan, Chery A3, JAC Bin Yue and many other models, quiet long time Jiangnan sedan also introduced two displacement 1.3L and 1.5L new car. The domestic car also faction, Volkswagen CrossPolo, hatchback Cerato, Chrysler Sebring, Dongfeng Peugeot 307, the new Mondeo and so on to the second half of the auto market has injected new vitality. May wish to look in the endless stream of new cars in several main models to appreciate the brand new car style.