由南开大学文学院、中国社会科学院语言研究所举办的首届汉语语法化问题国际学术讨论会于 2 0 0 1年 10月 15 - 17日在南开大学召开。提交会议的论文有 (按作者姓名音序排列 ,后加 者为没有到会宣读 ) :陈前瑞现时相关性与复合趋向补语中“来”的位置杨成虎语法化 :认知在语言
The first international symposium on Chinese grammaticalization was held at Nankai University on October 15-17, 2001, by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Nankai University and the Institute of Language of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The papers submitted to the conference are arranged in the order of the names of the authors, and the latter ones are not read out: CHEN Qian-Rui Current Relevance and Complexity Tendency of “Lai” in Complement Yang Chenghu Grammaticalization: Cognition in Language