
来源 :黑龙江中医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eyoujin
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我于《哈尔滨中医》六五年第一期发表治疗风湿性心脏病一文后,收到很多讀者来信詢問,特补充說明如下: 发表此文目的,在于請同志們在临床上参考試用,能求得进一步提高和做些临床研究,以俾証实該药能否治疗心脏病,为研究整理祖国医学提供些現实。病人不能抄录原方照服,必須經医师掌握脉証使用。本方适应于“脉結代,心动悸。”动則气喘,口唇发紺,下肢浮肿,咳嗽咯血等风湿性心脏病見症。随症加减运用, After I published a article on treatment of rheumatic heart disease in the first half of the 65th issue of Harbin Traditional Chinese Medicine, I received a letter from many readers asking for special supplementary explanations as follows: The purpose of this article is to invite comrades to refer to trials in clinical practice. To further improve and do some clinical research, in order to confirm whether the drug can treat heart disease, to provide some reality for the study of the organization of Chinese medicine. The patient cannot copy the original photo, but must be mastered by the doctor to use the card. This party is adapted to “the generation of the heartbeat, heart beat.” Movement is asthma, lips cyanosis, lower extremity edema, cough, hemoptysis and other rheumatic heart disease see the disease. With the addition and subtraction of the disease,
OBJECTIVE To address the functional significance of tropoelastin isoforms, it was constructed three rat tropoelastin minigenes that constitutively encode diff
机器能否会思维?这一问题在今天越来越凸现出其深刻的哲学底蕴。什么是思维?什么是人工智能?什么是精神?精神服从物理定律吗?物理定律是什么?一系列古老而崭新的问题重新回到我们面前。  上面的疑问就其性质讲可算得上是认识论的问题了,奇怪的是现代的科学家往往对本体论、认识论特感兴趣,文章、专著一篇又一篇。霍金教授大谈宇宙大爆炸、黑洞、免费午餐与超弦理论,宇宙在那里是一个空间拓扑结构,世界从原始的大爆炸奇点
OBJECTIVE To study the development of emphysema in transgenic mice. METHODS From the constructed transgenic mice, the reverse phase high performance liquid chro
处方:山豆根一两,大青叶一两,板兰根一两。用法:每日一剂,水煎浓汁,一日内 Prescription: One or two kinds of mountain bean root, one or two big leaves, one or two B