
来源 :比较管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goblinzehong
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比较管理研究范式的模糊不清导致近年来学科发展的迟缓,为总结、完善比较管理研究范式,本文首先对比较管理研究对象和研究范式的概念进行界定,然后对经典比较管理理论模式的逻辑体系进行梳理,归纳出包含“环境—管理实践—管理效果”三部分的经典比较管理分析范式,在此基础上提出了由“情境—管理系统—管理效果—移植”四部分组成的改进的比较管理研究范式,并结合历时性研究方法进一步构建了基于历时性的比较管理研究范式,最后探讨了新研究范式对比较管理相关理论的兼容性。 The ambiguity of the comparative management research paradigm has led to the slow development of disciplines in recent years. To summarize and improve the comparative management paradigm, this article first defines the concepts of comparative management research objects and research paradigms, and then the logical system of classical comparative management theory models. After combing, the classic comparative management analysis paradigm including “environmental-management practice-management effect” is summarized. On this basis, a four-part model consisting of “situation-management system-management effect-transplantation” is proposed. The improved comparative management research paradigm, combined with diachronic research methods, further constructed the diurnal comparative management research paradigm, and finally explored the compatibility of the new paradigm to comparative management related theories.
读者问:  我阿姨生前一直由我照顾,阿姨曾当着她的两个儿子的面立下遗嘱,写明她百年后依国家政策所得的抚恤金全部由我这个外甥女继承。前不久,阿姨因病去世,其原供职单位提供的万元抚恤金却被其儿子领走。我能否根据遗嘱得到这笔抚恤金?  律师解答:  你阿姨的遗嘱是一份自书遗嘱,只要有遗嘱人亲笔书写的遗嘱内容,订立遗嘱的具体时间、地点、遗嘱人的亲笔签名,一般来说即符合遗嘱的形式要件。  不过,根据我国现行