全民义务植树运动已走过了20个春秋,如今,当我们漫步在中原大地绿树成荫的城乡大道上,置身于葱郁如画的农田林网中,或者进入层峦叠翠的莽莽林海里,感触最深的是中原大地锁黄染绿的巨大变化。而这正是中原人民20年来踊跃参加全民义务植树运动、积极绿化美化自己家园的结果。 我省曾是一个缺林少绿的省份,80年代初期,全省森林覆盖率只有12.97%。1981年,全国人大五届四次会议作出《关于开展全民义务植树运动的决议》后,我省制定并认真贯彻落实《河南省开展全民义务植树运动的实施细则》,深入扎实地开展全民义务植树运动,20年来,共
The volunteer tree-planting campaign has gone through 20 spring and autumn. Nowadays, as we walk in the plains of the Central Plains on the tree-lined urban and rural roads, lush in the lush picturesque farmland forest net, The deepest is the Central Plains yellow lock green great changes. This is exactly the result of the people of the Central Plains participating actively in the voluntary nationwide tree planting campaign over the past 20 years and actively afforestation and beautification of their own homeland. The province was once a province lacking forests and less green. In the early 1980s, the province’s forest coverage rate was only 12.97%. In 1981, after the Fourth Session of the Fifth Plenary Session of the National People’s Congress made the Resolution on Carrying Out the People’s Volunteer Tree Planting Campaign, the province formulated and conscientiously implemented the Implementing Rules for Henan Province in Carrying out the People’s Volition Tree Planting Campaign to carry out the full voluntary tree-planting Sports, 20 years, a total of