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在《读词偶记》中,詹安泰主要以情味来论词:词重情意,“真”心为美;词笔多端,自然为美;品高味厚,真雅为美;词家批评,辩证分析与审美感悟相统一。詹安泰的词学审美观,实际上是对中国传统美学观的回归与时代阐述,是抒情文学“情味”论在20世纪的一种延续和发展。 In “Reading Ci”, Zeng An-tai mainly treats the words with sweet taste: the word has the sentimental meaning and the “true” heart is the beauty; the word pen has many ends and the nature is the beauty; the taste is high and the taste is elegant; Criticism, dialectical analysis and aesthetic perception are united. Zhan Antei’s Ci study of aesthetics is actually an exposition of the return and era of Chinese traditional aesthetics, which is a continuation and development of lyric literature “taste ” theory in the 20th century.
喹乙醇(Olaquindox),属喹恶啉类,又名喹酰胺醇,商品名倍育诺、快育灵等,是一种化学合成抗菌促生长剂。  1 喹乙醇的物理性质  本品为淡黄色结晶粉末,无臭、味苦;溶于沸水,微溶于冷水,不溶于一般有机溶剂;该物质很稳定,对热不敏感,但其纯品对光敏感,光照使其分解为棕色或深棕色。  2 喹乙醇的作用  能够增强代谢,促进蛋白质合成,增加瘦肉率,提高饲料中蛋白质的利用率和饲料报酬,促进动物增重