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新的科学研究,揭示了令人惊奇也颇有趣的结果:动物实际上也会说谎。专家说,不仅是大猩猩、黑猩猩、狗和豺狼,就是鸟和昆虫,也会有意误导人和同类,而使自己从中取利。美国一所大学的研究专家米切尔,发现了以下的事实:一只狗因折断腿部,获得了主人的特别照顾。但是,当它腿部的伤势痊愈后,这种特别照顾就停止了。米切尔说:“因此狗就开始假装腿部受伤,来吸引主人的注意。它甚至只用三只脚一瘸一拐地费力行走。结果,狗如愿以偿,又获得主人的特别照顾。” New scientific research reveals surprising and interesting results: Animals can actually lie. Experts say that not only gorillas, chimpanzees, dogs and wolves, birds and insects, but also deliberately mislead people and similar, and make themselves profitable. Mitchell, a research expert at a U.S. university, found the following fact: A dog had special care for the owner because he broke his leg. However, this special care stopped when the leg’s injuries recovered. Mitchell said: “So the dog began to pretend to be injured in the leg to attract the attention of the owner. It even used only three legs and limped and arduously walked. As a result, the dog had his wish and received special care from the owner.”
穿着英姿飒爽的制服,斗志昂扬地列队行进,这就是香港童军。  香港的童军组织是很活跃的,他们热衷于开展公益活动,举行慈善募捐;也热衷于自身素质的提高,特别是经常参加露营培训,训练自己吃苦耐劳和团队合作的精神。  这一次,他们来到深圳和内地的同学们一起参加大露营,拥抱自然。    第一次大露营   梓彤  对于第一次参加露营的我来说,先锋工程及历奇活动的印象最深刻。首先要攀上超过10米的高台,在上面