
来源 :农村养殖技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lifan_cuit
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一、猪价与成本的关系在大多数养猪人的心目中,往往把猪价与饲养成本相提并论。猪价高时,很舍得增加投入,听到有什么好东西都想用,以期获得更多的利润;猪价低时,则尽量减少投入,能省则省,以为这样可以降低饲养成本。事实上,稍加分析便可明白,猪价由市场供需状况所决定,生产者是无法改变的。而 First, the relationship between pig prices and costs In most pig farmers’ minds, often the price of pigs and keeping costs in par. When pig prices are high, they are willing to increase their input. They want to hear more good things they want to gain more profits. When their pig price is low, they will try their best to reduce their input and save the provinces while reducing the cost of raising pigs. In fact, a little analysis can understand that the price of pork is determined by the market supply and demand situation, and the producer can not be changed. and