In order to be politicized, it is to serve the people; How to truly put the masses in their hearts and serve the people wholeheartedly? To change cadre style in depth is the key issue. Maintaining the mass line of the party and always maintaining the flesh-and-blood ties with the masses are the necessary requirements and realistic manifestation of the nature and purposes of the party. They are the key to strengthening the building of grassroots party organizations in the new era, improving the party building level in enterprises and promoting the harmonious development of enterprises and the healthy development of the enterprise Guarantee. To take a good course of the party’s mass line relies on the leadership of party organizations and what it needs is the practice of millions of party members and cadres. State Grid Beijing Power Company overhaul branch was established in May 24, 2012, is responsible for Beijing main transmission and transformation, substations, cables and other main equipment operation and maintenance,