Coexpression of receptor-tyrosine-kinases in gastric adenocarcinoma-a rationale for a molecular targ

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhjic
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AIM: To define the (co-)expression pattern of target receptor-tyrosine-kinases (RTK) in human gastric adenocarcinoma. METHODS: The (co-)expression pattern of VEGFR1-3,PDGFRα/b and EGFR1 was analyzed by RT-PCR in 51 human gastric adenocarcinomas. In addition,IHC staining was applied for confirmation of expression and analysis of RTK localisation. RESULTS: The majority of samples revealed a VEGFR1 (98%),VEGFR2 (80%),VEGFR3 (67%),PDGFRα (82%) and PDGFRβ(82%) expression,whereas only 62% exhibited an EGFR1 expression. 78% of cancers expressed at least four out of six RTKs. While VEGFR1-3 and PDGFRα revealed a predominantly cytoplasmatic staining in tumor cells,accompanied by an additional nuclear staining for VEGFR3 ,EGFR1 was almost exclusively detected on the membrane of tumor cells. PDGFRβ was restricted to stromal pericytes,which also depicted a PDGFRα expression.receptor-tyrosine-kinases coexpression in gastric adenocarcinoma and might therefore encourage an application of multiple-target RTK-inhibitors within a combination therapy. METHODS: The (co-) expression pattern of VEGFR1-3, PDGFRα / b and EGFR1 was analyzed by RT-PCR. The AIM: To define the (co-) expression pattern of target receptor- tyrosine-kinases (RTK) in human gastric adenocarcinoma. METHODS: PCR in 51 human gastric adenocarcinomas. In addition, IHC staining was applied for confirmation of expression and analysis of RTK localization. RESULTS: The majority of samples revealed a VEGFR1 (98%), VEGFR2 (80%), VEGFR3 78% of cancers expressed at least four out of six RTKs. While VEGFR1-3 and PDGFRα revealed a predominantly cytoplasmatic staining in tumor cells, both PDGFRα (82%) and PDGFRβ (82%) expression, only 62% showed an EGFR1 expression. accompanied by an additional nuclear staining for VEGFR3, EGFR1 was almost exclusively detected on the membrane of tumor cells. PDGFRβ was restricted to stromal pericytes, which also describes a PDGFRα expression. receptor-tyrosine-kinases coexpression in gastric adenocarcinoma and might therefore encourage an application of multip le-target RTK-inhibitors within a combination therapy.
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53岁女性患甲亢、心房颤动17年,入院后因头晕和血栓史,给予疏血通注射液8 ml静脉滴注,1次/d.患者1年前患脑梗死,口服华法林片3.125 mg,1次/d,国际标准化比率(INR)在1.9~2.5之