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湖北银元局与北洋银元局发行的钞票吴筹中银元局是铸造金属货币的,但有的银元局除铸造银元、铜元外,也曾发行钞票。银元局发行的钞票,印制考究,图象精美,古色古香,存世极少。湖北银元局的银元票光绪十九年(1893年)十月,两广总督张之洞会同湖北巡抚谭洵向清廷上了《请铸银元折》的奏本,旨准后,于武昌三佛阁成立湖北银元局,铸造银元。光绪二十二年(1896年),王秉恩认为甲午战争后,海禁大开,行用银元之处渐多,且各省均将铸造银元。为了扩大银元的流通,他向张之洞建议,由湖北银元局发行银元票。并认为银元票的印制,必须精美,特委托赴日留学委员邝国华联系日本大藏省印刷局印制。我们收集到一张湖北银元局的银元票,此票长21.1厘米,横13.7厘米,四周有狭的花纹边框,框内上端印满汉文“光绪元宝”四字,其下印双龙戏珠图像和光绪元宝银元正背面各一,银元图像下直书“凭票取银壹大元”,右旁印“湖北银元局”五字,左旁有“陶字第贰百柒柒号”字样,下端印“重库平七钱二分”(插四上左)。背面印湖北总督张,湖北巡抚于的示谕(插四上右)。其中说明“银元局刊发银元票每张壹元,与官钱局所发钱票相辅而行。”由此可见这种银元票只发壹元的一种,票上印有重库平七钱 The Bank of China and Hubei Provincial Bureau of Finance released the banknotes Wuzhongzhongbaiju is casting metal currency, but some of the silver dollar bureau in addition to casting silver, copper, but also issued notes. Banknotes issued by the Bank of China, elegant printed, beautiful images, antique, extremely rare. In October 1993 (1893), governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Zhang Zhidong together with Hubei governor Tan Xuan to the Qing court, “Please cast silver dollar off,” the book, purpose, in Wuchang Sanfo Court set up Hubei silver dollar bureau, casting silver dollar. Twenty-two years Guangxu (1896), Wang Bing-en thought after the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the ban on sea ban would be more and more, and silver coins would be cast in all provinces. In order to expand the circulation of silver dollars, he suggested to Zhang Zhidong that a silver dollar vote should be issued by the Hubei Provincial Bureau of Yuan Dynasty. And that the printing of silver dollar tickets must be beautiful, specially commissioned to study in Kuang Guohua commissioned Japan Printing Group Printing Department. We collected a silver dollar bill from the Hubei Provincial Bureau of the dollar, the ticket length 21.1 cm, horizontal 13.7 cm, surrounded by a narrow pattern border, the upper end of the box printed Chinese “Guangxu ingot” four words, the next printed Ssangyong The silver ball image and Guangxu ingot silver element is the back of each one, under the silver image straight book “by taking silver one Tai Yuen,” the right side of the print “Hubei silver dollar bureau” five words, the left next to “Tao word second hundred hundred ”The words, the lower end of the print“ heavy library flat seven money ”(insert four on the left). On the back, Hubei Governor Zhang and Hubei Governors show the instructions (insert four on the right). Which states that “the silver dollar issued one yuan a silver dollar ticket, and the official money bureau issued by the votes complement.” This shows that the silver dollar issued only one yuan, a heavy ticket printed on the seven money
地理视角既是地理学观察、 认识世界的角度, 也是地理学分析、 处理问题的思维方式.本文以原创试题为例, 探讨从区域、 动态和生态等视角命制试题, 以考查学生地理思维和地理
【正】 我国唐、宋、元代的机械时钟曾是世界古时钟之魁,为人类文明作出了不可估量的贡献。但是14世纪以后,随着封建制度的腐败,它开始衰退。而这时的欧洲机械时钟在英、法等