Development of new transient liquid phase system Au-Sn-Au for microsystem technology

来源 :机械工程前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woodcock999
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In the last decade, microsystems evolved to decisive technology in many technical applications. With increasing requirements on the performance of microsystems, more and more dissimilar materials are used in the same assembly. Correspondingly, suitable joining methods are required to fulfil the requirements on good properties of joints. In this study, a new transient liquid phase (TLP) system Au-Sn-Au was developed for potential medical applications in hybrid microsystems. The high and low melting phases Au and Sn were deposited onto diverse substrates by magnetron-sputter-ion plating. The coated substrates were soldered in a microsoldering station under different conditions. The influence of soldering conditions on the microstructure and properties of the joints was investigated. Results show that the developed solder led to high-quality joints that can be used in microsystems for medical applications.
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