1 病历摘要 男患 ,46岁 ,住院号 :16 0 385。该患因胸闷痛 2个月余 ,于1997年 4月 1日就诊。胸部正位片发现右肺门一球形肿物 ,约 5cm× 7cm大小 ,于 1997年 4月 2 8日胸部正侧片复查发现肿物明显增大。随即于 1997年 5月 4日入院。入院后彩超发现肿物达 14cm× 13c
1 medical record summary Male patient, 46 years old, hospital number: 16 0 385. The patient suffered chest pain for more than 2 months and he presented on April 1, 1997. In the chest radiograph, a spherical mass of the right hilum was found, about 5cm×7cm in size. On April 28th, 1997, the chest positive side showed a significant increase in tumor mass. He was admitted to hospital on May 4, 1997. Color Doppler Ultrasound Finds 14cm× 13c After Admission to Hospital