自第一部根据英国记者伊恩·弗莱明的系列间谍小说改编的007-邦德影片《诺博士》(又译《铁金刚勇破神秘岛》)于1962年问世至今,已拍摄了18集(第18集是《永不消逝的明天》)。007系列片历经几十年仍长盛不衰,魅力不减,实在令其他系列影片难以望其项背。 007系列片之所以能够受到老少妇孺的喜爱,
From the first 007-Bond film adaptation of the British spy novelist Ian Fleming series << Dr. Norman >> (also translated << Iron King brave breaking the mysterious island >>) has come out in 1962, has been filmed 18 Episode 18 (“Never Tomorrow”). 007 series after decades of still long-lasting, unabated charm, it is difficult to make the other series of films look back. 007 series films have been able to be loved by young and old women,