
来源 :中国现代医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kim5618
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Conventional coronary artery bypass graft performed through median sternotomy with hypothermic extracorporeal circulation and saphenous vein grafts is both saft and effective.To reduce perioperative morbidity further,and promote earlier hospital discharge and long-term graft patency rate,great efforts have ben recently made in coronary surgery.we reviewed the literature relevent to clinical progress in minimally invasive coronary bypass graft,total arterial revascularization and coronary operation in advanced age,and discussed their surgical indications,operative techniques and clinical results.Studies about off pump,thoracoscope or axial flow pump-assisted myocardial revacularization have demonstrated favourable results such as reduced systemic inflammatory respones,avoiding ischemia-prefusion injury,lower cost and shorter hospital stay.Clinical practice also showed that patients who received two arterial graft or total arterial revascularization had decreased risk of death,reoperation and angioplasty,and that advanced age in and of itself should not be a contraindication to an coronary bypass operation,although morbidity,mortality and cost may be higher.
将Sepharose 4B用环氧氯丙烷活化,接丁二胺臂,再用环氧氯丙烷活化,与谷氨酸的N-2氨 基偶联。在N,N-二环己碳化二亚胺催化下,以接臂的胶与谷氨酸的C-5和C-1羧基基团偶 联。结果表
从链霉菌C-3662发酵上清液中,通过硫酸铵沉淀,CM-Sepharose Fast Flow 和 Phenyl Sepharose Fast Flow等层析色谱,分离纯化得到了具有纤溶活性的蛋白酶CGW-3,反向HPLC鉴定纯
于2000年4月至5月,测定了温度对饥饿状态下南方 鲇幼鱼(体质量18.4~36.0 g)的氨氮排泄的影响.在12.5 ℃,17.5 ℃, 22.5 ℃,27.5 ℃和32.5 ℃水温下,南方鲇的特殊体质量排氨率分别为
将苜蓿中华根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium meliloti)042B与耐盐有关的4kb Cla Ⅰ DNA片段克隆在pML122上,用HindⅢ酶切下其2.4kb DNA片段,回收后与pBBR1-MCS2连接,然后转化大肠杆菌(E
HCV NS3特异的 CD4+T细胞反应与 HCV感染的良性转归相关 .为了筛选其 CD4+T细胞表位 ,构建了 HCV NS3基因片段酵母展示文库 .首先 DNase 不完全酶切 HCV NS3基因产生长度为
从光能利用率差异的角度探讨了高产杂交籼稻Ⅱ优 12 9和对照汕优 6 3的光合碳同化特性。结果表明 :a)Ⅱ优 12 9的光能利用率和产量显著高于汕优 6 3,但其叶面积指数、消光系