目的了解郑州市居民乙型病毒性肝炎流行现状,分析评价郑州市乙肝综合防治效果。方法采用多级随机抽样方法,对郑州市2个县(市、区)1~74岁人群共2 132人进行了问卷和采血,采用ELISA的方法对血样进行乙肝病毒(HBV)血清学指标的检验,对于阳性标本采用另一种试剂盒复检,复检结果与初检不一致的用全自动微粒子酶免分析仪确定。结果郑州市2012年人群HBsAg阳性率为1.69%,抗-HBs阳性率为48.83%;10岁以下儿童抗-HBs阳性率为46.47%,40岁以上人群抗-HBs阳性率为41.39%。结论郑州市乙肝防治成效显著,全人群HBsAg携带率持续下降,在河南省属于低度流行地区,但低年龄组儿童乙肝疫苗加强免疫和成人接种工作需进一步加强。
Objective To understand the prevalence of hepatitis B in Zhengzhou residents and to analyze and evaluate the comprehensive prevention and treatment of hepatitis B in Zhengzhou. Methods A total of 2 132 persons from 1 to 74 years old in 2 counties (cities and districts) of Zhengzhou City were surveyed and collected by multistage random sampling method. The blood samples were collected for serological detection of hepatitis B virus (HBV) Test, for positive specimens using another kit retest, the retest results inconsistent with the initial examination with automatic particle analyzer to determine the free enzyme. Results In 2012, the positive rate of HBsAg was 1.69% and the positive rate of anti-HBs was 48.83%. The positive rate of anti-HBs in children under 10 years old was 46.47%. The positive rate of anti-HBs in people over 40 years old was 41.39%. Conclusion The prevention and treatment of hepatitis B in Zhengzhou is remarkable. The carrier rate of HBsAg in the whole population continues to decrease. It is a low endemic area in Henan Province. However, the vaccination and adult vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine should be further strengthened in children of low age group.