Going to the brain is an important indicator of critical illness and is an important sign of brain stem damage. Mainly due to the destruction of the upper brain and pons and palsy by destructive or oppressive lesions, such as: brainstem injury, severe traumatic brain injury, intracranial hemorrhage or brain tissue edema induced cerebellar crack hernia to suppress brain stem ~ ([1]). May also occur in metabolic diseases, such as: hypoglycemia, poisoning or hypoxia. Typical cases of cervical backwards, extremities, angular bow was anti-Zhang state. Such patients unconsciousness, limbs can not move, life can not take care of themselves, such as improper care, prone to bed sores, abdominal infections and other complications ~ ([2]), thus aggravating the condition, affecting the prognosis. Therefore, it is very important to strengthen nursing care, especially body posture and skin care.