根据 2 0 0 1年度对贵新高等级公路护坡草地病虫害进行的调查 ,结果表明贵新高等级公路护坡草地病虫害发生较为普遍和严重。其中 :主要病害共有 7种 ,分别是 :锈病、黑粉病、白粉病、褐斑病、云斑病、离蠕孢叶枯病和由交链孢属引起的叶斑病。主要害虫有 6科 15种 ,其中 :蝗科 3种、飞虱科 2种、叶蝉科 5种、夜蛾科 2种、蚜科1种、蝽科 2种。在调查的基础上提出了防治措施。
According to the investigation of the pest and disease in the slope protection grassland of Guixin high-grade highway in 2001, the results show that the occurrence of pests and diseases in the slope protection grassland of Guixin high-grade highway is more common and serious. Among them, there are 7 major diseases, which are: rust, smut, powdery mildew, brown spot, cloud spot, leaf spore disease and Leaf spot caused by Alternaria. The main pests include 6 families and 15 species, including 3 species of Acrididae, 2 species of Planthopper, 5 species of Cicadellidae, 2 species of Noctuidae, 1 species of Aphididae and 2 species of Pentatomidae. On the basis of the investigation, we put forward prevention measures.