
来源 :国外医学(卫生学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cheng2008YING
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本文报道了妊娠期和哺乳期不缺铁、中度和重度缺铁大鼠母鼠所生仔鼠在新生仔鼠期抗体形成情况,(其母鼠饲料含铁分别为250ppm、12 ppm、6 ppm),以及断乳后食物中含铁量足够与否对抗体形成的影响。在出生后第12天和37天给仔鼠腹腔注射绵羊红细胞(SRBC),5天后取脾细胞,用Jerne的空斑检测方法,评价其抗体产生的能力。仔鼠在断乳后,分为六个组:1.CC组:对照组,仔鼠为不缺铁母鼠所生并喂足铁食物;2.CD组:仔鼠为不缺铁母鼠所生但喂缺铁食物;3.DC组,仔鼠为重度缺铁母鼠所生但补足铁;4.DD组:仔鼠为重度缺铁母鼠所生又未补足铁;5.MC组:仔鼠为中度缺铁母鼠所生补足铁;6.MD This article reports the formation of antibodies in neonatal offspring of offspring born to females born during pregnancy and lactation without iron deficiency, moderate and severe iron deficiency (fed with iron content of 250 ppm, 12 ppm, 6 ppm), and the amount of iron in the weaned food after weaning sufficient or not the impact of antibody formation. Sheep were intraperitoneally injected with SRBC on day 12 and day 37 after birth. Spleen cells were harvested 5 days later and evaluated for their antibody production using Jerne’s plaque assay. Offspring in the weaned, divided into six groups: 1.CC group: the control group, offspring is not lack of iron born and fed with iron diet; 2.CD group: Born but fed iron deficiency foods; 3.DC group, offspring born to severe iron deficiency mother but make up iron; 4.DD group: offspring of severe iron deficiency mother born and not make up iron; 5.MC Group: offspring of moderate iron deficiency mother made up enough iron;
服务三农是基层物价工作的重中之重。近年来,宝鸡市物价局在市委、市政府的正确领导和陕西省物价局的有力指导下,以促进科学发展、社会和谐和 Serve the three rural areas
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