根据本地区六个县、市六个流调点9,489人结核病流行病学调查资料,并对所发现的病人进行了回顾性调查,包括病史,排菌病人的症状起始时间与首次X线发现肺结核(有无空洞)的日期、当时的年龄等。结果: (一)实检9,489人中0~14岁占42.29%,15~34岁占32.61%,35~54岁占19.14%,55岁以上占5.96%。共检出病人104名,各年龄组分别为12.50%,20.19%,49.04%,18.27%;32名排菌病人中35~55岁年龄组占71.88%。其中13例Ⅳ型病人中该年龄组就有10例,占76.9%。 (二)本资料13名儿童患者中有10名是35~55岁年龄组的排菌病人的家庭成员。
Based on the survey data of 9,489 tuberculosis epidemics in six streams in six counties and cities in the region, the retrospective investigation was conducted on the patients found, including the history, the onset time of symptoms of discharged bacterioplastics and the first X-ray findings Tuberculosis (with or without holes) of the date, then the age and so on. Results: (1) Among the 9,489 people, 42.29% were aged from 0 to 14, 32.61% were from 15 to 34 years old, 19.14% were from 35 to 54 years old and 5.96% were from 55 to 55 years old. A total of 104 patients were detected, each age group was 12.50%, 20.19%, 49.04%, 18.27%; 32 row of bacteria in patients 35 to 55 age group accounted for 71.88%. Among 13 cases of type IV patients, there are 10 cases in this age group, accounting for 76.9%. (B) of this information 13 children in 10 patients are 35 to 55-year-old age group of patients with bactericides family members.