紫式部的《源氏物语》是日本文学史上的经典之作 ,以往的理论研究仅限于其文学成就和艺术风格的研究。《紫式部的中国情结》试图从一个崭新的角度进行探讨 ,分析《源氏物语》与中国文化交流的关系。紫式部是一位对中国怀有美好感情的日本女作家。她对中国的真挚情感凝聚成这部流芳百世的杰作。它的出现汲取了中日两国的文化精华 ,并为两国的文化交流筑起了一座不朽的丰碑。
The Tale of Genji in the Violet Ministry is a classic in the history of Japanese literature. Previous theoretical studies were limited to the study of its literary achievements and artistic styles. The “Purple Complex of China” tries to explore from a brand new perspective and analyze the relationship between “Tale of Genji” and Chinese cultural exchange. Violet Ministry is a Japanese woman who has a good feeling of China. Her sincere affection for China has become a masterpiece of this magnificent flowery. Its appearance has drawn the essence of the cultures of China and Japan and has built an immortal monument to the cultural exchanges between the two countries.