针对目前消费者对广告不实、广告误导、广告欺诈投诉数量不断上升的情况,中国消费者协会特列出了15种广告为违法行为,广大消费者应关注并积极举报这15种违法广告。 1.以新闻形式发布广告误导消费者的; 2.使用国家机关和国家机关工作人员名义的; 3.使用“最好”、“最佳”、“第一”、“首创”等无限高度的形容词的; 4.药品广告不同时发布广告审查批准文号和药品生产批准文号的;
In response to the current consumer false advertising, misleading advertising, ad fraud complaints rising number of cases, the Chinese Consumers Association listed 15 kinds of advertisements as illegal, the vast number of consumers should be concerned about and actively report these 15 kinds of illegal advertising. 1. Advertisements in the form of news misleading consumers; 2. Use of state agencies and staff of state agencies on behalf of; 3. Use the “best”, “best”, “first”, “first” unlimited height Adjectives; 4. Drug advertisements are not released at the same time advertising review and approval of drug production approval number;