BYD Charges Into Central Europe

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbh0429
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In early October,BYD—China’s leading electric car maker—announced it would build an assembly plant for its vehicles in Hungary.As a big investment project by a Chinese business in Europe,the plan has been warmly welcomed by the Hungarian Government.While announcing the plan along with BYD management representatives,Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said at a press conference that the In early October, BYD-China’s leading electric car maker-announced it would build an assembly plant for its vehicles in Hungary. As a big investment project by a Chinese business in Europe, the plan has been warmly welcomed by the Hungarian Government. the plan along with BYD management representatives, Hungary’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said at a press conference that the
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【摘要】进入新时期后,为了促使社会经济结构得到优化,社会经济转型得到了顺利开展,我国不断扩大营改增的实施范围,在较大程度上影响到企业财务。为了促使企业综合竞争力得到增强,获得健康稳定的发展,企业财务管理人员就需要对营改增的会计处理方式深入研究,了解企业财务受到营改增的影响,创新财务工作模式,促进企业的整体进步与发展。   【关键词】营改增 会计处理 企业财务 影响  具体来讲,营改增指的是用营业税