Lee ×, male, 18 years old, due to left ankle sprain treatment, township hospitals to tetracycline 0.5 three times daily orally, 24 hours after feeling palpitated and skin itching go to our hospital. No previous history of heart disease. Physical examination: T37.8 ℃, R24 times / min, P112 beats / min, BP90 / 60 mmHg, urticaria on the thoracodorsal skin and scratches. Pulmonary breath sounds normal, no expansion of the heart, the heart rate 112 beats / min, irregular heartbeat, premature beats 3 beats / min, apex of the first heart sound weakened, no noise. Laboratory tests: blood eosinophils 398 / mm3, aspartate aminotransferase> 40 units (Lai’s method). ECG: sinus tachycardia, occasional ventricular contraction, STv_1v_2avF level down 0.075 millivolt, T wave v_3 inversion. M echocardiography showed normal atrioventricular line. New diagnosis: Allergic myocardium