职工技协是我国工人阶级的一项伟大创举。从她诞生那天起,就团结、吸引了大批热心钻研技术的能工巧匠和爱国知识分子。大批劳模和技协英才从这块沃土中涌现。团结协作、无私奉献是技协的光荣传统;为国分忧、为企业解难是技协的精神;自力更生、顽强拼搏是技协的灵魂。职工技协通过技术攻关、技术推广、技术交流、技术协作等实实在在的工作,为促进企业科技进步、提高劳动者素质作出了不可磨灭的积极贡献。 为发扬技协精神,宣传职工技协在经济建设主战场中,促进科技进步的重要作用,探索职工技协在市场
The staff and workers’ association is a great pioneering work for our working class. From the day she was born, she united and attracted a large number of skilled craftsmen and patriotic intellectuals zealously studying techniques. A large number of model workers and technical experts Yingcai emerge from this fertile soil. Unity and cooperation, selfless dedication is the glorious tradition of the Association; for the country to share concerns for the enterprise is the spirit of the Society; self-reliance, tenacious struggle is the soul of the Association. Through a series of hands-on work such as technical breakthroughs, technical promotion, technical exchanges and technical cooperation, the staff and technical staff associations have made indelible and positive contributions to promoting scientific and technological progress of enterprises and improving the quality of workers. In order to promote the spirit of the PISA and promote the important role of the CMA in promoting economic and technological progress in the main battlefield of economic construction,